High temperature-induced dauer formation and adult exploratory behaviors do not covary


filepath<-file.path(pathname, "extdata","5A_wildHTdata_allbinary.csv")
foods = "OP50"
strains <- c("N2","CB4856","JU561", "MY14","DL238","CB4852","QX1211","JU322","JU775","JU1400","ED3072","AB1","AB3","JU362","ED3040", "JU345","PX178","CB3198")

##"TR403","KR314",CB4507,DR1350 left off due to low n
HT.wildall<-read.csv(filepath, header=TRUE) %>% format_dauer(p.dauer = "exclude")

lm <- HT.wildall %>% dauer_ANOVA()
contrasts<-dunnett_contrasts(lm, ref.index = 1, "genotype")
stan.glmm <- HT.wildall %>% run_dauer_stan
mixed<-stan.glmm %>% getStan_CIs(type = "dauer")


(p<-plot_CIs(HT.wildall, title='C. elegans wild isolates vary in temp dependent dauer formation', plot.contrasts, ypos = 1.075, type = "dauer", labels = strains)) + theme(
  axis.text.x = element_text(colour =


Figure 5A
Wild isolates vary in high temperature dauer formation. Dauers formed by the indicated C. elegans strains at 27°C. Strains also assayed for exploratory behavior in (B) are in red (weaker Hid phenotype than Bristol N2) and green (similar or stronger Hid phenotype than N2). Each black dot indicates the average number of dauers formed in a single assay. Horizontal black bar indicates median. Light gray thin and thick vertical bars at right indicate Bayesian 95% and 75% credible intervals, respectively. Numbers in parentheses below indicate the number of independent experiments with at least 16 animals each. All shown P-values are with respect to the Bristol N2 strain; ** and *** - different from the Bristol N2 strain at P<0.01 and P<0.001, respectively (ANOVA with Dunnett-type multivariate-t post-hoc adjustment).

sjt.lm(lm, depvar.labels = "number of entries", show.se = TRUE, show.fstat = TRUE)
    number of entries
    B CI std. Error p
(Intercept)   0.44 0.37 – 0.52 0.04 <.001
CB4856   -0.44 -0.56 – -0.33 0.06 <.001
JU561   -0.44 -0.56 – -0.32 0.06 <.001
MY14   -0.43 -0.55 – -0.32 0.06 <.001
DL238   -0.43 -0.59 – -0.27 0.08 <.001
CB4852   -0.42 -0.54 – -0.30 0.06 <.001
QX1211   -0.41 -0.54 – -0.27 0.07 <.001
JU322   -0.41 -0.53 – -0.29 0.06 <.001
JU775   -0.35 -0.48 – -0.23 0.06 <.001
JU1400   -0.25 -0.37 – -0.13 0.06 <.001
ED3072   -0.21 -0.33 – -0.09 0.06 <.001
AB1   -0.03 -0.15 – 0.09 0.06 .640
AB3   -0.02 -0.15 – 0.10 0.06 .730
JU362   -0.06 -0.18 – 0.05 0.06 .299
ED3040   -0.03 -0.15 – 0.09 0.06 .625
JU345   0.06 -0.06 – 0.18 0.06 .301
PX178   0.24 0.12 – 0.35 0.06 <.001
CB3198   0.32 0.19 – 0.45 0.07 <.001
Observations   159
R2 / adj. R2   .769 / .741
F-statistics   27.580***
knitr::kable(contrasts, caption = "pairwise comparisons (ANOVA)")
pairwise comparisons (ANOVA)
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value prange
CB4856 - N2 -0.4409536 0.0585877 141 -7.5263826 0.0000000 ***
JU561 - N2 -0.4406758 0.0585877 141 -7.5216414 0.0000000 ***
MY14 - N2 -0.4334073 0.0585877 141 -7.3975793 0.0000000 ***
DL238 - N2 -0.4296227 0.0796411 141 -5.3944862 0.0000053 ***
CB4852 - N2 -0.4198412 0.0585877 141 -7.1660268 0.0000000 ***
QX1211 - N2 -0.4074181 0.0687454 141 -5.9264755 0.0000004 ***
JU322 - N2 -0.4127995 0.0603994 141 -6.8344955 0.0000000 ***
JU775 - N2 -0.3513550 0.0625903 141 -5.6135662 0.0000019 ***
JU1400 - N2 -0.2507300 0.0603994 141 -4.1511991 0.0008539 ***
ED3072 - N2 -0.2122871 0.0603994 141 -3.5147202 0.0088605 **
AB1 - N2 -0.0293200 0.0625903 141 -0.4684431 0.9999994 p~1
AB3 - N2 -0.0216323 0.0625903 141 -0.3456173 1.0000000 p~1
JU362 - N2 -0.0610929 0.0585877 141 -1.0427596 0.9856297 p~0.99
ED3040 - N2 -0.0296249 0.0603994 141 -0.4904834 0.9999988 p~1
JU345 - N2 0.0626901 0.0603994 141 1.0379262 0.9862469 p~0.99
PX178 - N2 0.2362373 0.0585877 141 4.0321992 0.0014339 **
CB3198 - N2 0.3230826 0.0652993 141 4.9477178 0.0000384 ***


filepath<-file.path(pathname, "extdata","S3A_C3_sumstats.csv")
C327<-read.csv(filepath, header=TRUE)

(p<-dauergut::plot_regression_se(C327, "mean.C3", "mean.HT","SEM.C3", "SEM.HT"))

Figure S3
Shown are the proportion of dauers formed at 27°C and in the presence of 6 μm ascr#5 pheromone by C. elegans strains isolated from different latitudes. Assays were performed on live OP50. For ascr#5 data (A-axis), each data point is the average of at least 3 independent assays of at least 23 animals each. 27ºC data is repeated from Figure 6A. Error bars are the SEM. Line and shaded region indicate linear regression fit using mean dauer formation values for each strain.


strains <- c("N2","CB4856", "JU561", "MY14", "JU322", "JU362","ED3040", "JU345", "PX178", "CB3198")

wild.roam<-read.csv(file.path(pathname, "extdata","5B_6F_roam_wild_isolates.csv")) %>%
  dplyr::filter(genotype %in% strains) %>%
  mutate(genotype = factor(genotype, levels = strains),
         strainDate = interaction(genotype, date, drop=TRUE),
         plateID = interaction(strainDate,plate, drop=TRUE),
         total.boxes = 186)

lm <- lm(n_entries ~ genotype, data = wild.roam)

wild.roam %<>% dauergut::flag_outliers(df = ., lin.mod = lm, threshold = 4, noplot=TRUE)

stan.glmm <- stan_glmer(data = wild.roam[wild.roam$outlier.status == FALSE,], 
                        formula = n_entries ~ genotype + (1|date/plateID), family = "poisson",
                        iter = 4000, adapt_delta = 0.99)

lm <- update(lm, data = wild.roam[wild.roam$outlier.status == FALSE,])
glmm.nest <- glmer(data=wild.roam, n_entries ~ genotype + (1|date/plateID), family="poisson")

contrasts<-dauergut::tukey_contrasts(glmm.nest, "genotype")
mixed<-stan.glmm %>% getStan_CIs(type = "roam")

(p<-plot_CIs(wild.roam, title='Foraging behavior is not correlated with Hid phenotypes', plot.contrasts=plot.contrasts, ypos = 800, offset = 50, type = "grid", labels = strains)) + theme(
  axis.text.x = element_text(colour = c("black", rep('red',4), rep('green',5)))

Figure 5B
Exploratory behavior of indicated strains. Strains in red and green exhibit weaker or similar/stronger Hid phenotypes than N2, respectively (A). Each purple dot is data from a single animal. Median is indicated by a black horizontal line; error bars are quartiles. Light gray thin and thick vertical bars at right indicate Bayesian 95% and 75% credible intervals, respectively. Numbers in parentheses below indicate the total number of animals examined in at least 3 independent assay days. P-values shown are with respect to N2; *** - different from N2 at P<0.001 (ANOVA with Dunnett-type multivariate-t post-hoc adjustment).

sjt.glmer(glmm.nest, depvar.labels = "number of entries", show.se = TRUE)
    number of entries
    IRR CI std. Error p
Fixed Parts
(Intercept)   210.34 184.15 – 240.25 14.27 <.001
genotype (CB4856)   1.97 1.63 – 2.38 0.19 <.001
genotype (JU561)   1.18 0.94 – 1.50 0.14 .160
genotype (MY14)   1.24 0.95 – 1.63 0.17 .109
genotype (JU322)   0.95 0.73 – 1.23 0.13 .677
genotype (JU362)   1.00 0.75 – 1.33 0.15 .997
genotype (ED3040)   1.33 0.99 – 1.77 0.20 .056
genotype (JU345)   1.11 0.81 – 1.51 0.17 .526
genotype (PX178)   1.67 1.25 – 2.24 0.25 <.001
genotype (CB3198)   1.08 0.81 – 1.44 0.16 .596
Random Parts
τ00, plateID:date   0.155
τ00, date   0.013
NplateID:date   169
Ndate   9
ICCplateID:date   0.132
ICCdate   0.011
Observations   169
Deviance   6.846
knitr::kable(drop1(glmm.nest, test = "Chisq"), caption = "Wald chi square test")
Wald chi square test
Df AIC LRT Pr(Chi)
NA 2087.414 NA NA
genotype 9 2124.091 54.67739 0
knitr::kable(contrasts, caption = "pairwise comparisons (GLMM)")
pairwise comparisons (GLMM)
contrast rate.ratio SE df z.ratio p.value prange
N2 - CB4856 0.5083058 0.0495027 NA -6.9482277 0.0000000 ***
N2 - JU561 0.8442069 0.1017525 NA -1.4051055 0.3272521 p~0.33
N2 - MY14 0.8036547 0.1095922 NA -1.6029182 0.2550498 p~0.26
N2 - JU322 1.0568465 0.1401219 NA 0.4170120 0.7807726 p~0.78
N2 - JU362 1.0005047 0.1453279 NA 0.0034738 0.9972283 p~1
N2 - ED3040 0.7540483 0.1114761 NA -1.9095308 0.1581648 p~0.158
N2 - JU345 0.9048790 0.1426752 NA -0.6339315 0.7130674 p~0.71
N2 - PX178 0.5978794 0.0892449 NA -3.4458981 0.0042687 **
N2 - CB3198 0.9245871 0.1366262 NA -0.5306087 0.7244878 p~0.72
CB4856 - JU561 1.6608247 0.2189335 NA 3.8484756 0.0013371 **
CB4856 - MY14 1.5810456 0.2284924 NA 3.1697135 0.0076295 **
CB4856 - JU322 2.0791549 0.2995088 NA 5.0811910 0.0000084 ***
CB4856 - JU362 1.9683125 0.3112340 NA 4.2826142 0.0002771 ***
CB4856 - ED3040 1.4834540 0.2390780 NA 2.4470438 0.0540125 p~0.054
CB4856 - JU345 1.7801862 0.3024871 NA 3.3940796 0.0044267 **
CB4856 - PX178 1.1762199 0.1911839 NA 0.9985532 0.5110894 p~0.51
CB4856 - CB3198 1.8189583 0.2941548 NA 3.6994709 0.0019444 **
JU561 - MY14 0.9519642 0.1520429 NA -0.3082233 0.7931642 p~0.79
JU561 - JU322 1.2518810 0.1944984 NA 1.4459328 0.3175630 p~0.32
JU561 - JU362 1.1851416 0.1988868 NA 1.0121881 0.5110894 p~0.51
JU561 - ED3040 0.8932032 0.1512789 NA -0.6668437 0.7099762 p~0.71
JU561 - JU345 1.0718688 0.1901897 NA 0.3911443 0.7826519 p~0.78
JU561 - PX178 0.7082143 0.1210507 NA -2.0184930 0.1399498 p~0.14
JU561 - CB3198 1.0952139 0.1859918 NA 0.5355577 0.7244878 p~0.72
MY14 - JU322 1.3150505 0.2231575 NA 1.6139257 0.2550498 p~0.26
MY14 - JU362 1.2449435 0.2279188 NA 1.1967196 0.4186275 p~0.42
MY14 - ED3040 0.9382740 0.1741248 NA -0.3433199 0.7931642 p~0.79
MY14 - JU345 1.1259549 0.2173040 NA 0.6146861 0.7130674 p~0.71
MY14 - PX178 0.7439506 0.1389804 NA -1.5832897 0.2550498 p~0.26
MY14 - CB3198 1.1504780 0.2146873 NA 0.7511911 0.6569095 p~0.66
JU322 - JU362 0.9466887 0.1655377 NA -0.3133080 0.7931642 p~0.79
JU322 - ED3040 0.7134889 0.1261605 NA -1.9091993 0.1581648 p~0.158
JU322 - JU345 0.8562066 0.1580227 NA -0.8411485 0.6211004 p~0.62
JU322 - PX178 0.5657202 0.1007625 NA -3.1982696 0.0076295 **
JU322 - CB3198 0.8748546 0.1555674 NA -0.7518664 0.6569095 p~0.66
JU362 - ED3040 0.7536679 0.1342568 NA -1.5875535 0.2550498 p~0.26
JU362 - JU345 0.9044225 0.1694381 NA -0.5362255 0.7244878 p~0.72
JU362 - PX178 0.5975778 0.1065366 NA -2.8879775 0.0174477 p~0.017
JU362 - CB3198 0.9241207 0.1647885 NA -0.4425357 0.7793309 p~0.78
ED3040 - JU345 1.2000279 0.2151714 NA 1.0169515 0.5110894 p~0.51
ED3040 - PX178 0.7928927 0.1345797 NA -1.3672532 0.3356334 p~0.34
ED3040 - CB3198 1.2261643 0.2094249 NA 1.1937626 0.4186275 p~0.42
JU345 - PX178 0.6607286 0.1186767 NA -2.3072252 0.0728386 p~0.073
JU345 - CB3198 1.0217798 0.1842493 NA 0.1194865 0.9254556 p~0.93
PX178 - CB3198 1.5464441 0.2648507 NA 2.5455278 0.0446370 p~0.045