Intestinal mTORC2 prevents dauer formation


TOR complexes are involved in nutrient homostasis

TOR complexes are involved in nutrient homostasis

Figure 1 The TORC2 signaling pathway in C. elegans (11, 53-55). Genes encoding conserved components of the pathway are indicated.


strains<-c("N2", "rict-1(mg360)", "rict-1(ft7)", "sgk-1(ok538)", "akt-1(mg306)", "akt-2", "pkc-2")
foods <- "OP50"

TORC2<-read.csv(file.path(pathname, "extdata/1B_2D_rict-1_TORC2.csv"), header=TRUE) %>% dauergut::format_dauer(p.dauer = "non") #including partial/pd as non-dauer due to excess zeros. 

lm <- TORC2 %>% dauer_ANOVA()
stan.glmm <- TORC2 %>% dauergut::run_dauer_stan()
contrasts<-dauergut::dunnett_contrasts(lm, ref.index = 1, "genotype")
mixed<-dauergut::getStan_CIs(stan.glmm, type = "dauer")

labels = c("WT", "rict-1(mg360)", "rict-1(ft7)", "sgk-1(ok538)", "akt-1(mg306)", "akt-2(ok393)", "pkc-2(ok328)") %>% stringr::str_wrap(width = 10)

(p<-dauergut::plot_CIs(TORC2, title='TORC2 prevents high temperature dauer formation', plot.contrasts, ypos = 1.075, type = "dauer", labels = labels))

Figure 1B

TORC2 controls high temperature-induced dauer formation. Increased dauer formation occurs in TORC2-specific rict-1 mutants, as well as in mutants of TORC2 targets sgk-1 and akt-1. Plot shows proportion of dauers formed by animals of the indicated genotypes at 27°C. Each black dot indicates the proportion of dauers formed in a single assay. Arrested L3 and/or partial/post dauers are included as non-dauers due to excess arrest in rict-1(ft7). Horizontal black bar indicates median. Light gray thin and thick vertical bars at right indicate Bayesian 95% and 75% credible intervals, respectively. Numbers in parentheses below indicate the number of independent experiments with at least 25 and 9 animals each scored for non-transgenic and transgenic animals, respectively. For transgenic rescues, data are combined from 2 independent lines, with the exception of ges-1p constructs, in which one line was analyzed. *** - P<0.001 compared to wild-type (ANOVA with Dunnett-type multivariate-t adjustment for 1B and Tukey-type multivariate-t adjustment for 1C); *** - P<0.001 compared to corresponding mutant animals. P-values of differences in means relative to wild-type and corresponding mutant animals are indicated in black and red, respectively.

sjt.lm(lm, depvar.labels = "proportion of dauers (ANOVA)", = TRUE)
    proportion of dauers (ANOVA)
    B CI std. Error p
(Intercept)   0.27 0.21 – 0.33 0.03 <.001
rict-1(mg360)   0.67 0.58 – 0.76 0.05 <.001
rict-1(ft7)   0.63 0.50 – 0.76 0.06 <.001
sgk-1(ok538)   0.34 0.22 – 0.45 0.06 <.001
akt-1(mg306)   0.68 0.56 – 0.81 0.06 <.001
akt-2   0.03 -0.11 – 0.17 0.07 .660
pkc-2   -0.25 -0.36 – -0.13 0.06 <.001
Observations   69
R2 / adj. R2   .877 / .865
pairwise comparisons (Dunnett)
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value prange
rict-1(mg360) - N2 0.6680907 0.0457575 62 14.6006908 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7) - N2 0.6293179 0.0635012 62 9.9103326 0.0000000 ***
sgk-1(ok538) - N2 0.3375392 0.0570696 62 5.9145186 0.0000008 ***
akt-1(mg306) - N2 0.6835682 0.0635012 62 10.7646523 0.0000000 ***
akt-2 - N2 0.0301690 0.0682112 62 0.4422887 0.9975895 p~1
pkc-2 - N2 -0.2467089 0.0570696 62 -4.3229489 0.0003475 ***
Bayesian credible intervals
genotype mean lower.CL upper.CL lower.25 upper.75
N2 0.2941140 0.1685863 0.4714586 0.2446274 0.3467727
rict-1(mg360) 0.9633932 0.8927355 0.9875899 0.9473462 0.9747217
rict-1(ft7) 0.8996555 0.6630829 0.9750949 0.8448562 0.9372747
sgk-1(ok538) 0.6039456 0.2861732 0.8526753 0.4971906 0.7019556
akt-1(mg306) 0.9649093 0.8472189 0.9927722 0.9419640 0.9791813
akt-2 0.2714936 0.0730530 0.6266923 0.1837610 0.3822809
pkc-2 0.0119781 0.0023949 0.0490971 0.0073032 0.0201653


           "rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1]",
           "rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4]",
           "rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1]",
           "rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2]",
           "rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2]",
           "sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1]",
           "akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1]")
foods = "OP50"

gutresc<-read.csv(file.path(pathname, "extdata/1C_ges-1_rescue_rict_sgk.csv")) %>% dauergut::format_dauer(p.dauer = "non") %>% 
  mutate(allele = factor(allele, levels = c("WT","mg360","ft7","ok538","mg306")))

gutresc %<>% dplyr::mutate(adj.pct = case_when(.$pct == 0 ~ 0.01, .$pct == 1 ~ 0.99, TRUE ~ .$pct))

lm <- gutresc %>% dauer_ANOVA()
stan.glmm <- gutresc %>% dauergut::run_dauer_stan()
contrasts<-dauergut::tukey_contrasts(lm, "genotype") 
mixed<-stan.glmm %>% dauergut::getStan_CIs(type="dauer")
plot.contrasts<-c("",contrasts$prange[1], "", "", contrasts$prange[4], "","","", contrasts$prange[8],"",contrasts$prange[10],"")
plot.contrasts.2<-c("", "",contrasts$prange[12:13],"",contrasts$prange[39:41],"", contrasts$prange[61],"", contrasts$prange[66])

labels <- c("WT","rict-1(mg360)",
           "rict-1(mg360); +ges-1p::rict-1",
           "rict-1(mg360); +gpa-4p::rict-1",
           "rict-1(ft7); +ges-1p::rict-1",
           "rict-1(ft7); +elt-2p::rict-1",
           "rict-1(ft7); +ifb-2p::rict-1",
           "sgk-1(ok538); +ges-1p::sgk-1",
           "akt-1(mg306); +ges-1p::akt-1") %>% stringr::str_wrap(width=10)

(p<-dauergut::plot_CIs(gutresc, title="TORC2 components act in the intestine to regulate dauer formation", plot.contrasts, plot.contrasts.2=plot.contrasts.2, ypos = 1.075,type = "dauer", offset = 0, labels = labels))

Figure 1C

mTORC2 acts in the intestine to inhibit high-temperature dauer formation. Increased dauer formation of rict-1 and sgk-1 mutants is rescued by intestinal-specific expression. akt-1 mutants were not rescued using this promoter. Dauers formed by animals of the indicated genotypes at 27°C. Each black dot indicates the proportion of dauers formed in a single assay. Horizontal black bar indicates median. Light gray thin and thick vertical bars at right indicate Bayesian 95% and 75% credible intervals, respectively. Numbers in parentheses below indicate the number of independent experiments with at least 25 and 9 animals each scored for non-transgenic and transgenic animals, respectively. For transgenic rescues, data are combined from 2 independent lines, with the exception of ges-1p constructs, in which one line was analyzed. *** - P<0.001 compared to wild-type (ANOVA with Dunnett-type multivariate-t adjustment for 1B and Tukey-type multivariate-t adjustment for 1C); *** - P<0.001 compared to corresponding mutant animals. P-values of differences in means relative to wild-type and corresponding mutant animals are indicated in black and red, respectively.

sjt.lm(lm, depvar.labels = "proportion of dauers (ANOVA)", = TRUE)
    proportion of dauers (ANOVA)
    B CI std. Error p
(Intercept)   0.27 0.22 – 0.32 0.02 <.001
rict-1(mg360)   0.69 0.59 – 0.79 0.05 <.001
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1]   -0.12 -0.22 – -0.03 0.05 .011
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4]   0.66 0.57 – 0.75 0.05 <.001
rict-1(ft7)   0.66 0.57 – 0.75 0.05 <.001
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1]   -0.03 -0.13 – 0.07 0.05 .556
rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2]   0.13 0.02 – 0.23 0.05 .017
rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2]   0.06 -0.06 – 0.17 0.06 .344
sgk-1(ok538)   0.44 0.33 – 0.56 0.06 <.001
sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1]   -0.08 -0.20 – 0.03 0.06 .155
akt-1(mg306)   0.71 0.60 – 0.83 0.06 <.001
akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1]   0.72 0.60 – 0.83 0.06 <.001
Observations   112
R2 / adj. R2   .884 / .871
pairwise comparisons (Tukey)
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value prange
N2 - rict-1(mg360) -0.6909880 0.0518355 100 -13.3303901 0.0000000 ***
N2 - rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] 0.1241772 0.0476694 100 2.6049685 0.0155310 p~0.016
N2 - rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] -0.6605064 0.0460611 100 -14.3397941 0.0000000 ***
N2 - rict-1(ft7) -0.6599220 0.0476694 100 -13.8437300 0.0000000 ***
N2 - rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] 0.0305997 0.0518355 100 0.5903222 0.6119370 p~0.61
N2 - rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] -0.1258822 0.0518355 100 -2.4284924 0.0237990 p~0.024
N2 - rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] -0.0552211 0.0581192 100 -0.9501352 0.4287936 p~0.43
N2 - sgk-1(ok538) -0.4428609 0.0581192 100 -7.6198664 0.0000000 ***
N2 - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.0831857 0.0581192 100 1.4312943 0.2052121 p~0.21
N2 - akt-1(mg306) -0.7145009 0.0581192 100 -12.2937048 0.0000000 ***
N2 - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.7176764 0.0581192 100 -12.3483425 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360) - rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] 0.8151652 0.0610818 100 13.3454703 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360) - rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] 0.0304817 0.0598351 100 0.5094278 0.6516490 p~0.65
rict-1(mg360) - rict-1(ft7) 0.0310660 0.0610818 100 0.5085968 0.6516490 p~0.65
rict-1(mg360) - rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] 0.7215877 0.0643859 100 11.2072381 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360) - rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] 0.5651058 0.0643859 100 8.7768615 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360) - rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] 0.6357669 0.0695447 100 9.1418477 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360) - sgk-1(ok538) 0.2481271 0.0695447 100 3.5678807 0.0009148 ***
rict-1(mg360) - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.7741738 0.0695447 100 11.1320344 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360) - akt-1(mg306) -0.0235128 0.0695447 100 -0.3380969 0.7589989 p~0.76
rict-1(mg360) - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.0266883 0.0695447 100 -0.3837582 0.7353996 p~0.74
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] -0.7846836 0.0562644 100 -13.9463561 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - rict-1(ft7) -0.7840992 0.0575885 100 -13.6155604 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] -0.0935776 0.0610818 100 -1.5320041 0.1733227 p~0.173
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] -0.2500595 0.0610818 100 -4.0938460 0.0001537 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] -0.1793984 0.0664974 100 -2.6978240 0.0122898 p~0.012
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - sgk-1(ok538) -0.5670381 0.0664974 100 -8.5272183 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] -0.0409915 0.0664974 100 -0.6164370 0.6029569 p~0.6
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - akt-1(mg306) -0.8386781 0.0664974 100 -12.6121875 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.8418536 0.0664974 100 -12.6599413 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - rict-1(ft7) 0.0005843 0.0562644 100 0.0103857 0.9917342 p~1
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] 0.6911060 0.0598351 100 11.5501788 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] 0.5346241 0.0598351 100 8.9349594 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] 0.6052852 0.0653541 100 9.2616222 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - sgk-1(ok538) 0.2176455 0.0653541 100 3.3302483 0.0019578 **
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.7436921 0.0653541 100 11.3794210 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - akt-1(mg306) -0.0539945 0.0653541 100 -0.8261836 0.4790578 p~0.48
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.0571700 0.0653541 100 -0.8747727 0.4646272 p~0.46
rict-1(ft7) - rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] 0.6905217 0.0610818 100 11.3048694 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7) - rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] 0.5340398 0.0610818 100 8.7430275 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7) - rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] 0.6047009 0.0664974 100 9.0935972 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7) - sgk-1(ok538) 0.2170611 0.0664974 100 3.2642030 0.0023622 **
rict-1(ft7) - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.7431078 0.0664974 100 11.1749842 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7) - akt-1(mg306) -0.0545788 0.0664974 100 -0.8207663 0.4790578 p~0.48
rict-1(ft7) - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.0577544 0.0664974 100 -0.8685200 0.4646272 p~0.46
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] - rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] -0.1564819 0.0643859 100 -2.4303767 0.0237990 p~0.024
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] - rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] -0.0858208 0.0695447 100 -1.2340386 0.2848105 p~0.28
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] - sgk-1(ok538) -0.4734606 0.0695447 100 -6.8080056 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.0525861 0.0695447 100 0.7561481 0.5135916 p~0.51
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] - akt-1(mg306) -0.7451005 0.0695447 100 -10.7139833 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.7482760 0.0695447 100 -10.7596446 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] - rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] 0.0706611 0.0695447 100 1.0160530 0.3960713 p~0.4
rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] - sgk-1(ok538) -0.3169787 0.0695447 100 -4.5579140 0.0000269 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.2090680 0.0695447 100 3.0062396 0.0051334 **
rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] - akt-1(mg306) -0.5886186 0.0695447 100 -8.4638917 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.5917941 0.0695447 100 -8.5095530 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] - sgk-1(ok538) -0.3876397 0.0743464 100 -5.2139687 0.0000019 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.1384069 0.0743464 100 1.8616491 0.0901854 p~0.09
rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] - akt-1(mg306) -0.6592797 0.0743464 100 -8.8676763 0.0000000 ***
rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.6624552 0.0743464 100 -8.9103885 0.0000000 ***
sgk-1(ok538) - sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.5260466 0.0743464 100 7.0756178 0.0000000 ***
sgk-1(ok538) - akt-1(mg306) -0.2716400 0.0743464 100 -3.6537076 0.0007003 ***
sgk-1(ok538) - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.2748155 0.0743464 100 -3.6964198 0.0006203 ***
sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] - akt-1(mg306) -0.7976866 0.0743464 100 -10.7293254 0.0000000 ***
sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.8008621 0.0743464 100 -10.7720376 0.0000000 ***
akt-1(mg306) - akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] -0.0031755 0.0743464 100 -0.0427122 0.9808779 p~0.98
Bayesian credible intervals
genotype mean lower.CL upper.CL lower.25 upper.75
N2 0.2793225 0.1833459 0.4066347 0.2431513 0.3185055
rict-1(mg360) 0.9627715 0.8815987 0.9885193 0.9450084 0.9752851
rict-1(mg360); ex[ges1] 0.1296133 0.0457332 0.3034522 0.0935004 0.1785384
rict-1(mg360); ex[gpa4] 0.9170733 0.7598877 0.9740302 0.8811744 0.9436661
rict-1(ft7) 0.9420074 0.8443246 0.9802061 0.9171760 0.9596365
rict-1(ft7); ex[ges1] 0.2671974 0.0875506 0.5767962 0.1894259 0.3626919
rict-1(ft7); ex[elt2] 0.3800157 0.1172738 0.7357145 0.2715965 0.5027534
rict-1(ft7); ex[ifb2] 0.4023557 0.1275289 0.7527617 0.2873637 0.5301470
sgk-1(ok538) 0.6903346 0.3638554 0.8856750 0.5950865 0.7766973
sgk-1(ok538); ex[ges1] 0.1641085 0.0480079 0.4154684 0.1131033 0.2367389
akt-1(mg306) 0.9881795 0.9461830 0.9977387 0.9794053 0.9930754
akt-1(mg306); ex[ges1] 0.9875661 0.9235693 0.9985239 0.9752865 0.9933613